Archive | October, 2011

Nautilus launches new CoreBody Reformer: combines yoga, Pilates and dance

26 Oct

Nautilus’ newly launched CoreBody Reformer combines pilates, dance and yoga for a full body workout that focuses on the abs. Photo By CoreBody Reformer website

In order to reach a mass audience in a struggling economy Nautilus released a new workout machine, the CoreBody Reformer.

Pilates, dance and yoga moves are used to target your core as you use the machine.

At $279 the CoreBody Reformer is more affordable than other products by Nautilus, such as the BowFlex Classic Home Gym ($649) or the TreadClimber TC20 ($3,299), in order to cater to the downtrodden economy.

“It definitely fits the budget better, just by virtue of the price,” said Nautilus CEO Bruce Cazenave in an interview for The Columbian.

Cazenave also said that regardless of how the economy was faring the price would remain the same to reach its target consumer.

How it works

•Pilates exercise improve strength
•Yoga improves flexibility
•Dance moves increase cardio

The device is shaped like a T and lies on the floor. Two bands extend from it with handles to workout your arms and legs.The machine is made for you to stand, sit, stretch or straddle it to exercise.

The advertisement states that you’ll get results in “30 days or less.”

CoreBody Reformer includes

•Four workout DVDs
•Flashcards that illustrate exercises
•Weight loss plan
•A poster to track your progress
•A blue washable cover
•Carrying strap

As showcased by the Reebok lawsuit over false advertising, you can’t always believe what you’re told, so it’s best to listen to those who have tried the product.


So far reviews have been positive.

“I have lost 25 pounds. In six weeks I lost 15 pounds. Eat right and work out on you CBR for 45min. five days a week. It really works!” wrote Yvette Navaro on facebook.

“Its quite the workout and a lot of fun. I know what I’m getting myself for christmas,” commented Amber Raymond Towle on Facebook.

But according to the Fit Bottomed Girls website, though the exercises are fun and effective, the CoreBody is awkward to move. The pulleys also have no resistance to build on as you get stronger using the machine.

“Just like anything, you have to use it. The CoreBody Reformer is the tool, but you have to do the work,” wrote Jenn on the website.

Reebok sued for $25 million over false ads for ReeTone

18 Oct

The Federal Trade Commission won a civil suit against Reebok because its ReeTone shoes were proven ineffective.

It all began with advertisements for ReeTone that promised a 28 per cent increase in toning effectiveness.

Then, studies proved the commercials wrong. The ReeTone shoes didn’t provide any extra boost to a workout. 

But Reebok maintains that customer feedback has been mostly positive to its ReeTone shoes.

Reebok/reetone shoes, Chandigarh Complaints, Reviews – reetones of my shoes are damaged

Reebok/reetone shoes, Chandigarh Complaints, Reviews: reetones of my shoes are damaged

With news of the lawsuit, people turned to injury lawyers to be compensated. However the $25 million won is meant to refund all of the ReeTone shoes purchased.

Toning Shoes Injury Lawyers | Skechers Shape-ups, MBT Toning Shoes & Reebok Toning Shoes | Product Liability Attorneys

In recent years, toning shoes have exploded onto the marketplace. Toning shoes are purported to provide an exceptional workout when they are worn while engaging in everyday activities. This type of shoes is advertised as a way to be able to work out without going to a gym or engaging in any especially active behavior.

Public reaction to the lawsuit mostly blames the consumer for buying the shoes, not Reebok.

Reebok must be bum-med @ having to pay a £25mil settlement #Reetone Did consumers really think they would just transform into Kelly Brook?
October 14, 2011
Reebok’s $25 million settlement with the FTC teaches us a good lesson. It’s buyer beware when it comes to fitness gear. Here’s 5 ways to tell when you should leave it on the shelf.
Måns Rinne
October 10, 2011

Are SKECHERS Shape-ups next up at the docket?

Exercise balls boost ab workout: Vancouver kinesiologist

11 Oct

Exercise balls are useful tools to achieve those washboard abs according to kinesiologist Rob Williams. Photo courtesy of chrisdlugosz

You need to get on the ball in order to achieve flat, washboard abs according to Vancouver kinesiologist and posture specialist Rob Williams.

And based on the core workout he describes, it has to work because it’s too painful not to.

But a six pack shouldn’t be desired purely for vanity, wrote Williams in Training your core can be a ball on the Vancouver Sun website.

Strong core improves:

  • movement
  • posture
  • balance

Williams also wrote that your position during an exercise is important. Your inner-core should be engaged first to support your pelvis and lumbar spine before you start the exercise.

 Benefits to good exercise position:

  • less strain on hips and lower back
  • tighter/flatter abs

Now that you know how to position yourself, it’s time to grab a ball and try one of Williams’ exercises.

But not before you do a warm up and consult a physician Williams warns (this is the don’t sue me clause).

 Ball bridge exercise:

Bridging improves lower back, including your glutes (ladies listen up) and hamstrings.

You can bridge on the floor to begin or on an exercise ball to be advanced.

  1. Lie on your back with your legs on the ball. The further your hips are from the ball, the harder the exercise.
  2. Engage core and lift your hips off of the ground so that your body is a straight line.
  3. Challenge yourself by rolling the ball back and forth or lifting one leg off of the ball all while keeping your pelvis straight.
  4. Do three holds up to a minute each.

I find this exercise to be quite intense very quickly. Simply elevating my body with the ball was enough to induce sore abs during and after the routine. If you are a beginner to core exercise definitely begin on the floor and work your way to the ball.

 Ball side extension exercise:

This exercise targets the sides of the torso, lower back and abdominals.

  1. Lay on your right side on top of an exercise ball with your feet against the base of a wall and your top leg behind your bottom leg. The ball should support your pelvis and lower torso.
  2. Cross your arms on your chest, or for more difficulty put each hand behind an ear.
  3. Steadily align your body and lower your body over the ball then raise back up, lifting your elbow towards the ceiling as your rib cage shifts upwards.
  4. Don’t twist your body.
  5. Do three sets of 10-12 reps.

Personally, my obliques are the weakest part of my abs so this exercise was harder than the Ball Bridge.

 Ball rollout sprawl exercise:

The best core exercises hold the spine and core in a controlled position wrote Williams.

  1. Have your feet on the ground and forearms on one or two balls (advanced) in front of you.
  2. Engage core and have spine and pelvis in neutral position.
  3. Once in a solid position roll the ball forward.
  4. When using two balls, slowly roll one ball at a time. Shorten your movements if your position changes it’s probably because you are losing control.
  5. Do three sets of 12-15 repetitions on each side.

This position felt unnatural at first. It was like a trust exercise with myself, could I roll forward and not fall onto my face?

But my theory is if it burns, it works and I felt the burn.

For pictures that demonstrate the above exercises visit:

Reebok refunds: lawsuit against EasyTone shoes highlights consumerism

5 Oct

Reebok’s EasyTone shoes (not shown), were advertised to better achieve a toned lower body than average running shoes. Traditional exercises such as knee highs depicted above should not be traded in for special shoes. Photo by Rance Costa

In response to the lawsuit against Reebok, Lori Borgman of The Tribune News Service wrote that she feels badly for gullible consumers like her, in the article Toning shoe takes a misstep.

The Federal Trade Comission recently settled a $25 million class action suit against Reebok, whose EasyTone and RunTone shoes were proven to be no better than the average running shoe.

The Reebok product guarantee: Reebok commercials promised “better legs and a better butt with every step,” when wearing its EasyTone shoes. Workouts in the shoes were also  advertised to be up to 28 per cent more effective.

Sure, the girl in the commercial looked great and most women would be jealous of her pert backside, but that’s the whole point of advertising. Commercials try to make you feel incomplete without their product, and we know this.

We know this and still ignore the truth because we are all optimists.

The Truth about EasyTone: A study from the American Council of Exercise found no benefits to using Reebok’s toning shoes. Other studies conducted also found the same results.

Borgman also writes that the shoes weren’t in fact hurting anybody and the only people that benefit from this scandal are personal injury lawyers.

I have a different opinion.

Consumers benefit from lawsuit:

  • Consumers may finally be realizing that not all advertisements are true. As much as people would like to believe there’s a quick fix for cellulite, sometimes you just have to face the fat and admit that almost nothing is a quick fix.
  • The FTC is using the $25 million to refund money back to unsatisfied EasyTone customers.
  • The FTC may sue companies with similar products who may have untrue claims, class-action expert Jaime Bianchi said to Reuters. As a result advertisers may become more honest because of accountability.
  • If after all the bad press you still want a pair of EasyTone’s, just for kicks (pun intended) they are almost all on sale on Reebok’s website.

FTC’s response to lawsuit: David Vladeck from the FTC Bureau of Consumer Protection said in a press conference that Reebok “violated the law by making false and unsubstantial claims” about the effectiveness of its Easy Tone shoes.

Reebok’s response to lawsuit: But Reebok put out a statement saying that it doesn’t agree with the allegations even though the company settled. Reebok also stated that customer feedback for the shoes have been positive.

Moral of the story: You know how they say you should walk a mile in someone else’s shoes? In this case don’t.